Schoodic Lake Revisited
- Binding: Paperback, 185 pages
- Dimensions: 8.43 X 11 X 0.4 inches
- Publisher: Moosehead Communications (2008)
- Language: English
- ISBN: 1-890454-53-2
- Suggested Price: $18.95
The sawdust pile on shore of Schoodic Lake
as of September 4, 2008 (taken by Ruth e. Cyr)
Schoodic Lake, Lake View chronicle
- review by Roxanne Moore Saucier
on Bangor Daily News 1/19/2009
Nearly a century ago, a ladies group meeting at Olympic Hall in Lake View decided to raise funds by making a quilt and charging 25 cents to embroider a name on it.
The names, embroidered in 20 circles, 12 names to a circle, include Eva M.C. Tweedie, Leah M. York, Murray D. Gallupe, Queenie Leonard, Mary C. Hamlin, Roy Purdy and Mrs. Robert Luttrell.
Who won the raffled quilt isn’t recorded, but Etta Hamlin had it. Then the quilt was passed on to Pearl Hamlin McFarland, Gladys Newman and Isabella Newman Roberts.
A list of the names on the Lake View Quilt, as well as photos of a few sections of it, are included in Bill Sawtell’s 185-page “Schoodic Lake Revisited.”
Schoodic Lake and Lake View are in Piscataquis County, just east of Brownville.
Olympic Hall, the American Thread Co., the Canadian Pacific Railroad, the Quirions, the Hamlins, the Caldwells, the Winglers, Harry Lanphear, the Lydia A. Godsoe Lands, the Newmans, Adams Siding, Joe Tanguay, Benjamin Clark — the topics and memories are numerous.
And there are wonderful pictures of the town and of people, from Haskell’s Boys Band to Harold and Emelia (Poirier) Newman on their wedding day in 1919.
You will find “Schoodic Lake Revisited” for sale at stores in Piscataquis County and Bangor, or you may order it for $18.45 plus 95 cents tax and $4.27 for shipping and handling. Mail checks to Bill Sawtell, PO Box 272, Brownville, ME 04414.
Sawtell also has available copies of some of his other books: “Katahdin Iron Works and Gulf Hagas,” $12.95 plus 5 percent sales tax, and shipping; “Glimpses of Greenville,” “$11.95 plus sales tax and shipping; “Onawa Revisited,” $16.95 plus sales tax and shipping; “The Ron Marks Story,” $4.95 plus sales tax and shipping; “The Wall,” $3.95 plus sales tax and shipping.
As a descendant of Cummings and Hildreth families in Greenville, I particularly enjoyed “Glimpses of Greenville,” which includes Linda Hubbard McBrierty’s interview with Harold Walden years ago.
How fortunate for us that Sawtell is one of those authors who cares enough about small communities to preserve their history. |